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Seca Medical Scales and Medical Equipment seca scales - precision for health
Authorized Dealer
Seca scales and height measuring systems are highly precise and durable - a favorite of healthcare professionals worldwide. And our huge inventory of Seca scales allow us to ship FAST - usually the same day. At the net's lowest prices.

Seca Medical Scales
Medical Scales
Seca Baby Scales
Baby Scales
Seca Bathroom Scales
Bathroom Scales
Seca Bathroom Scales
Body Composition Analyzer
Seca Height Rods
Height Rods
Seca Kitchen Scales
Kitchen Scales
Seca Specialty Medical Scales
Specialty Medical Scales
Seca Scale Cases
Scale Cases
Seca Miscellaneous/Accessories

Seca Medical Scales
Digital Scales Mechanical
Model 703 High Capacity Digital Medical Scale 769 Digital Medical Scale 284 Wireless 360 Measuring Station Seca 777 Seca 787 Seca 797 755 Dial Column Medical Scale with BMI and Height Rod 700 Mechanical Medical Scale






Capacity x Readability 660 x 0.2 lb
300 kg x 100g
450 x 0.2 lb
200 kg x 100g
660 x 0.2 lb
300 kg x 100g
550 x 0.2 lb
250 kg x 100g
550 x 0.2 lb
250 kg x 100g
550 x 0.2 lb
250 kg x 100g
350 x 1 lb
160 kg x 500g
500 x 1/8 lb
Platform 13.2 x 13.6 in 11.5 x 11.75 in 16.9 x 14.4 in 13.8 x 16.5 in 13.8 x 16.5 in 13.8 x 16.5 in 14 x 39.5 x 24.5 in
17 x 57-1/2 x 20 in
Height Rod Mechanical - Digital Mechanical Digital Digital - Mechanical
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Flat Scales
Model 869 Flat Scale with Cabled Remote Display 874 Digital Floor Scale with Dual Display 876 Flat Scale For Mobile Use 634 Digital Bariatric Scale 674 Digital High Capacity Medical Scale

Capacity x Readability 330 x 0.2 lb
550 x 0.5 lb
150 kg x 100 g
250 kg x 200 g
330 x 0.1 lb
440 x 0.2 lb
150 kg x 50 g
200 kg x 100 g
330 x 0.2 lb
550 x 0.5 lb
150 kg x 100 g
250 kg x 200 g
800 x 0.1 lb
360 kg x 50 g
800 x 0.2 lb
360 kg x 100 g
Dimensions (WxHXD) 11.5 x 32.7 x 15.4 inches 315 x 58 x 313 mm 313 x 58 x 315 mm 22 x 2.2 x 22 inches 31.5 x 2 x 38 inches
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Seca Baby Scales
Model 334 Digital Baby Scale 354 Digital Pediatric Scale 374 Digital Baby Scale 725 Mechanical Baby Scale 727 Digital Baby Scale

Capacity x Readability 22 lb x 0.2 oz
44 lb x 0.5 oz
10 kg x 5 g
20 kg x 10 g
22 lb x 0.2 oz
44 lb x 0.5 oz
10 kg x 5 g
20 kg x 10 g
22 lb x 0.2 oz
44 lb x 0.5 oz
10 kg x 5 g
20 kg x 10 g
32 lb x 0.25 oz 22 lb x 0.2 oz
44 lb x 0.5 oz
10 kg x 5 g
20 kg x 10 g
Dimensions (WxHXD) 25 x 4 x 12 inches 21.7 x 6.5 x 13 inches 24.5 x 7.5 x 14 inches 22 x 7.5 x 12 inches 22 x 6 x 12.5 inches
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Seca Specialty Medical Scales
Model 634 Digital Bariatric Scale 644 Handrail Scale 656 Medical Stretcher Scale 664 Wheelchair Scale

Capacity x Readability 800 x 0.1 lb
360 kg x 50 g
800 x 0.1 lb
360 kg x 50 g
800 x 0.1 lb
360 kg x 50 g
800 x 0.2 lb
360 kg x 100 g
Dimensions (WxHXD) 22 x 2.2 x 22 inches 750 x 1,140 x 750 mm 135 x 2.8 x 45.6 inches 43.5 x 36 x 45.5 inches
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Model 674 Digital High Capacity Medical Scale 676 Digital Wheelchair Scale 684 Multifunctional Combo Medical Scale 952 Mobile Digital Chair Scale 954 Digital Chair Scale

Capacity 800 x 0.2 lb
360 kg x 100 g
800 x 0.2 lb
360 kg x 100 g
800 x 0.2 lb
360 kg x 100 g
440 x 0.2 lb
200 kg x 100 g
330 x 0.1 lb
660 x 0.2 lb
150 kg x 50 g
300 kg x 100 g
Dimensions (WxHXD) 31.5 x 2 x 38 inches 951 x 1,107 x 965 mm 35.8 x 43.8 x 38 inches 565 x 920 x 810 mm 565 x 920 x 810 mm
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Seca Body Composition Analyzer
Model Seca 804

Capacity x Readability 330 x 0.2 lb
Dimensions (WxHXD) 300 x 46 x 300 mm
Type Basic Body Fat and Body Water
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Seca Bathroom Scales
Model 803 Digital Body Weight Scale 807 Aura Digital Glass Floor Scale 813 Robusta High Capacity Digital Floor Scale 804 sensa with BW/BF function 719 Supra Digital Bathroom Scale




Capacity 330 X 0.2 lb
150 kg X 100 g
330 X 0.2 lb
150 kg X 100 g
440 X 0.2 lb
200 kg X 100 g
330 X 0.2 lb
150 kg X 100 g
400 X 0.2 lb
180 kg X 100 g
Dimensions (WxHXD) 315 x 35 x 325 mm 310 x 37 x 310 mm 433 x 47 x 373 mm 300 x 46 x 300 mm 7-7/8 x 1-7/8 x 6-1/4 inches
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Mechanical Bathroom Scales
Model 750 Mechanical Bathroom Floor Scale

Capacity 320 x 1 lb
Dimensions (WxHXD) 12.5 x 4.5 x 18.5"
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Culinary Scales

Seca 856 Electronic Kitchen Scale
With Stainless Steel Cover

The seca 856 has been especially designed to meet the requirements of its area of application. The raised display protects against soiling by fluids and the specially sealed battery compartment protects reliably against the electronics becoming damp. Prevents contamination due to slightly raised display area and sealed feed on the underside.

Seca 852 Culina Diet Scale with Bowl
The Seca 852 Culina diet scale with bowl can be an ideal combination, particularly when the bowl is a perfect fit for the scale. After the scale has been used, the scale can be stored in the bowl. This easy-to-use cooking scale has a TARE function which can repeatedly reset the weight to zero, no matter how much is already in the bowl.

Seca 437 Adapter Element
Seca 437 Adapter Element
Inserted between the base of the stadiometer and platform, the adapter element fastens the system to a flat scale. A patient can be weighed and measured in just one step.
Seca 212 Measuring Tape
Seca 212 Measuring Tape for Head Circumference of Babies and Toddlers
Price: $139.00
With this measuring tape of non-stretch Teflon synthetic material one can measure both the head circumference (front side) and the symmetry of the face (reverse side). A practical dispenser (containing 15 tapes) ensures that they are stored safely with no risk of damage
Seca 201 BMI Calculator
& Inches)
Seca 201 Ergonomic Circumference Measuring Tape
Price: $43.00
Because Today's circumference tapes also have to satisfy high medical demands, seca has developed the seca 201 which can measure girth to within 1 millimeters. The high-quality mechanics guarantee that the 205 cm-long tape unwinds easily and locks in place precisely. Measuring range: 0 ? 80" / 0 ? 205 cm
Seca 203 Measuring Tape
Seca 203 Circumference tape with waist to hip ratio
Price: $43.00
The measuring tape seca 203 for determination of body circumference has a high-quality scale of metal used to obtain the Waist-To-Hip-Ratio (WHR). The WHR is an indirect method of determining the amount of abdominal fat tissue. The ratio allows conclusions to be drawn about the distribution of fat stores and thus contributes to a diagnosis.

Seca Height Measurement
Seca 264 Wireless 360 Wall Mounted Stadiometer
seca added value: A wireless stadiometer that can send its measurements to a PC. There is such a thing from seca of course: the digital stadiometer seca 274 (free-standing) and seca 264 (for wall mounting). Both transmit the measured height with the help of the newest seca 360° wireless technology to your PC, where the data are analysed by the software seca analytics 105. From there they can also be transmitted to an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system
- 11 inch - 7 ft 2 inch
Seca 274 Wireless 360 Free Standing Stadiometer
seca added value: A wireless stadiometer that can send its measurements to a PC? There is such a thing from seca of course: the digital stadiometer seca 274 (free-standing) and seca 264 (for wall mounting). Both transmit the measured height with the help of the newest seca 360° wireless technology to your PC, where the data are analysed by the software seca analytics 105. From there they can also be transmitted to an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system
- 11 inch - 7 ft 2 inch
Seca 284 Wireless Measuring Station for Weight and Height
The measuring station seca 285 with the three-line multi-function touch display allows weighing and measuring in a single step ? and can wirelessly transmit results to a seca 360° wireless printer or a PC
- 11 inch - 7 ft 2 inch
- 660 x 0.1 - 0.2 lb
Seca 286 DP Wireless Ultrasonic Measuring Station for Height and Weight
The ultrasonic measuring station seca 286 dp transmits fully automated height and weight measurements to your existing printer. Thanks to the advanced 360° wireless technology and software module seca directprint, your patient receives a personalized printout outlining their nutritional condition based on their BMI.
- 11 inch - 7 ft 2 inch
- 660 x 0.1 - 0.1 lb
Seca 210 Measuring Mat - IN Seca 210 Babies Measuring Mat - Inches
Kind to the skin, washable and foldable: the light weight, space-saving solution for easy, precise measurement of the length of babies and toddlers while lying down. The fixed head piece and the easy to slide foot positioner make it simple to use. The seca 210 is well-suited for midwives.
Measuring range: 4 ? 39"
Graduation: 1/4"
Seca 210 Measuring Mat -CM Seca 210 Babies Measuring Mat - CM
Kind to the skin, washable and foldable: the light weight, space-saving solution for easy, precise measurement of the length of babies and toddlers while lying down. The fixed head piece and the easy to slide foot positioner make it simple to use. The seca 210 is well-suited for midwives.
Measuring range: 10 ? 99 cm
Graduation: 5 mm
Seca 416 Seca 416 Infantometer
The completely novel shape of the infantometer makes it quick and easy to measure not only babies but also infants up to two years old. The reason: on the one hand, the board is generously designed and, on the other hand, the raised and softly rounded sides hold the baby easily and safely in the right position.
13 ? 39 inches
33 ? 100 cm
Seca 417 Seca 417 Portable Infantometer able to be folded
The Seca 417 measuring board is the mobile alternative to the seca 416 infantometer. Its fold-up mechanism and low weight make the Seca 417 compact and lightweight for easy transport. It is simple to use and, thanks to its smooth surface, easy to clean. Durability and a long service life are guaranteed by high-quality materials.
-4" - 40"
-10 - 100 cm
Seca 213 Stadiometer Seca 213 Stadiometer
Portable stadiometer disassembles / and reassembles quickly and easily for easy transport. Convenient built in carrying handle
- 18 - 81"
- 20 ? 205 cm
Seca 216 height rod Seca 216 Height Rod
Built-in leveling bubble and functional design. Headpiece comes with a lock-know for measurement accuracy and safety. Readings can be taken in both centimeters and inches
? Measuring range: max. 55.3" / 138 cm, variable from 1.4 ? 90" / 3.5 ? 230 cm
Seca 217 Stadiometer Seca 217 Stadiometer
Built-in leveling bubble and functional design. Headpiece comes with a double window for measurement accuracy and safety. Readings can be taken in both centimeters and inches
- 8 - 81"
- 20 ? 205 cm
Seca 220 telescopic height rod Seca 220 Telescopic Height Rod
Classic telescopic height rod is a favorite. The headpiece is secured on both sides and folds down for safety.
- 23-5/8" to 78-5/8" x 1/8"
- 60 to 200 cm x 1 mm
Seca 222 height rod Seca 222 Stadiometer
Wall-mounted stadiometer that raises from floor length. Made of sturdy anodized aluminum and comes with a footplate for increased stability. With an additional 4" head plate for accuracy
- 12" to 90-1/2" x 1/8"
- 60 to 230 cm x 1 mm

Seca Carrying Cases
Seca Scale Case Seca 413 Scale Case for 354 and 383
With this case, baby scales seca 354 can be transported comfortably and safely. The exact fit of the seca 413 provides optimum protection for each pair of scales; the large opening facilitates the packing and unpacking of the scales. An adjustable shoulder strap makes transport easier. The water-repellent nylon surface of the case enhances protection.
Dimensions: 620 x 350 x 110 mm
Seca Scale Case Seca 414 Scale Case
Water-repellent nylon fits Seca 354 baby scales. Taylor-made shoulder pads and reinforced side walls provide optimum protection and transport is easy and comfortable with the adjustable strap or handle.
Dimensions: 660 x 370 x 450 mm
Seca  carrying case Seca 421 Carrying Case
Fits models 869, 876 scales
This durable nylon case is roomy and spacious yet weighs only 2 lbs. Comes complete with comfortable shoulder strap.
Dimensions: 17" x 21 3/8" x 5 1/4" $85
Seca carrying case Seca 428 Carrying Case
Fits Seca 334 and 374 baby scales
Robust, spacious carrying case with a shoulder strap and carrying handle for easy transport.
Dimensions: 660 x 170 x 320 mm /td>






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