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Imada DSW-120 Torque Testers / Torque Wrenches

Imada DSW-120 Torque Testers / Torque Wrenches

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Imada DSW-120 Torque Testers / Torque Wrenches
Price: $1450
FREE UPS Ground!
(48 Continental United States)
currently in stock
Shipping Weight: 10 lbs. (estimate shipping cost)
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Optional Data Acquisition Software, Add $199

Optional CB-203 RS-232 Cable (to connect gauge to computer), Add $75.00

Imada DSD-4 Torque Tester / Torque ScrewdriverDSW-120 is an lightweight digital torque wrench that tightens or loosens bolts up to 1040 lbf-in. The wrench head swivels 300° and can be used in tight places. You’ll get consistent readings no matter where or how the wrench is gripped because the torque sensor is centered on the drive and not up in the handle. Torque controlled wrenches can also be evaluated by comparative tests on a given fastener. Both breakaway and loosen tests can be performed. Rugged enough to be used in production.

This tester has an accuracy of ±0.5%, ± 1 LSD. It offers a programmable setpoint for uniform tightening or Go/No Go testing and also provides peak data for SPC (statistical process control) via the RS232 port.

  • Imada DSW-120 Torque Testers / Torque WrenchesRanges: 30 ~ 1040 lbf-in
  • Accuracy ± 0.5% F.S., ±1 LSD
  • Ergonomic, light weight, rugged metal construction
  • Wrench head swivels 300°
  • Available in lbf-in, lbf-ft, Kgf-cm and N-m (specify when ordering)
  • Peak, Real Time and Peak Down measuring mode (selectable)
  • 400 data memory for recall or for SPC download
  • Programmable High and Low setpoints with both audible beep and Green/ Red LED indicator for uniform torque tightening or GO/NO GO testing
  • Both CW and CCW operation
  • RS-232 output for SPC capability (peak data only)
  • Runs on internal NiCad batteries (8 hour use)
  • DSW-120 is sold as a kit including carrying case and AC adapter/charger

Imada DSW-110 Torque Tester / Torque Wrench

Imada DSW-110 Torque Tester / Torque Wrench






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