The 6700U POS Bench scales are designed to be used for linking to electronic cash registers or computers. Traditionally used in convenience stores, cafeterias, delicatessens, coffee or other retailers where counter space is limited. OPOS compatible.
The 6700U POS Bench scales are designed to be used for linking to electronic cash registers or computers. Traditionally used in convenience stores, cafeterias, delicatessens, candy stores, coffee houses, or other retailers where counter space is limited. OPOS compatible. Point-of-Sale Interface Scale for linking to electronic cash registers or computers The smallest point-of-sale scale on the market today for linking to electronic cash registers or POS terminals. The 6700U scales are designed for use in coffee houses, convenience stores, cafeterias, ice cream parlors, tobacco shops, theaters, or other retailers where counter space is limited
Accuracy: +/- 0.01%
Weighing Mode: kg, lb, oz, g, lb:oz
Display: ABS plastic housing. 5½ digits seven segments 15 mm / 0.58" high LCD with blue backlight